Conclusive Online Credibility Services

As reliance on the world wide web expanded, so the need for online credibility services in South Africa grew. From a long-ago time when people only did business with organisations they knew, digital era consumers embraced the convenience of the internet. One or two brushes with online scams later, though, and they became overly suspicious.

Today’s internet users have achieved a more balanced approach by actively analysing the credibility of digital content. So how do you, as a legitimate business, get the public to believe you?

Credibility Before Conversion

Before you can convert prospects into customers, you must prove your credibility. Just as face-to-face trustworthiness is measured using cues such as handshakes and eye contact, so online credibility is established with subtle signals.

1. Be Seen

First, your business needs to have a digital presence. These figures from Google prove that the buyer’s journey begins online:

  • 59% of shoppers do web research on purchases they plan to make online or in-store.
  • 74% of in-store buyers said that they turn to the internet to find out more (inventory, locations and directions, hours and wait times, etc. ) before going to the store.
  • Incorporate multiple touchpoints that align with your company’s values.

2. Be Appealing

Creating a positive first impression is priceless. If you fail at this stage, you have little chance of recovering the sale. Succeed, and prospects will then consider your product or service based on its merits.
Ensure that your website design is easy to navigate and provides an effortless user experience.

3. Be Real

Online consumers find it hard to trust people they can’t see. Allay their fears by shining a spotlight on the real human beings who work in your organisation. The cogency of putting a face to a name has been documented by experienced tech marketer Andy Smith, “Step out from the background, get ahead of the numbers, and put a name, face, and some personality behind your effort, and you will see increased engagement”.
Use videos to trigger specialised neural circuits in the brain that respond only to faces. Cultivating personal connection and positive familiarity this way enhances credibility.

1. Be Seen

3. Be Real

Online consumers find it hard to trust people they can’t see. Allay their fears by shining a spotlight on the real human beings who work in your organisation. The cogency of putting a face to a name has been documented by experienced tech marketer Andy Smith, “Step out from the background, get ahead of the numbers, and put a name, face, and some personality behind your effort, and you will see increased engagement”.
Use videos to trigger specialised neural circuits in the brain that respond only to faces. Cultivating personal connection and positive familiarity this way enhances credibility.

4. Be Social

Double down on your connection using the reach of social media marketing. Executive coach, Lolly Daskal, noted that, “Trust is built and maintained by many small actions over time”. Regularly interacting with followers in an educating or entertaining way builds engagement and trust. Know and take advantage of the distinctions between each platform, for example, the different audiences LinkedIn versus TikTok cater to.
Use social proof to leverage the influence humans have on each other’s opinions, choices, and actions. Encourage reviews, testimonials, and other forms of user-generated content (UGC) from existing supporters as a conversion catalyst.

4. Be Social

Double down on your connection using the reach of social media marketing. Executive coach, Lolly Daskal, noted that, “Trust is built and maintained by many small actions over time”. Regularly interacting with followers in an educating or entertaining way builds engagement and trust. Know and take advantage of the distinctions between each platform, for example, the different audiences LinkedIn versus TikTok cater to.
Use social proof to leverage the influence humans have on each other’s opinions, choices, and actions. Encourage reviews, testimonials, and other forms of user-generated content (UGC) from existing supporters as a conversion catalyst.

5. Be Safe

Reassure visitors to your website that your business is above board:

  • Include your website’s privacy policy, terms and conditions, and cookie policy.
  • Have an HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) URL address.
  • Display SSL-certified badges.
  • Show professional membership seals, award badges, and relevant certifications.

6. Be Professional

The common thread through all the strategies above is communication. Show that you are dependable through listening, respect, and sincerity at every touchpoint:

  • Author blogs and thought-leadership articles as evidence of your authority.
  • Content must be correct, clear, compelling, and consistent.

Frequently Asked Questions About Online Credibility

How do I establish online credibility when my business is brand new?

Credibility is built over time. One way that you can bring it to the online presence of your brand is with an authentic story that defines your “why”.
Look the part. Insist that your branding guidelines are adhered to in all communication – online and hardcopy. Use professional photographs of your products, team, premises etc.
Share your expertise in blogs, podcasts, through YouTube, and/or on social media sites such as LinkedIn.

Don’t wait until it’s too late! Contact us now to learn more about our online credibility services in South Africa.

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