WSI Facebook Whitepaper

Facebook has over 400 million active users worldwide, with the average user spending more than 55 minutes per day on Facebook. It was no surprise that many places of work and education started to ban the use of Facebook as most felt it was distracting their employees or students from their actual work. In fact, parents would prevent their children from going on sites like Facebook as they simply felt it was a waste of time and believed their children only went there to socialize with their friends.

However, with the launch of social sites such as YouTube in 2005 and Twitter in 2006, there was no doubt that these sites were changing the way users interacted online.

Businesses began to realize in order to remain competitive and reach out to their customers, they must start engaging in the tools and networks where their audiences are spending a lot of their time. To date there are more than 1.5 million local businesses that have active pages on Facebook.

What would it mean to an organization if they had customers talking about their products and services to their friends? What would be the value of reaching out to customers to tell them about your new services or promotions? What would be the ROI on having your brand exposed and built on social sites like Facebook?

Find the answers by downloading the
WSI Facebook Whitepaper below.

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