Brand Reputation Management
Marketers could keep a positive spin on consumer and client perceptions when their brand visibility was managed through a combination of media advertising and news coverage.
Only extreme, newsworthy activities got any other visibility beyond small numbers of people, and big brand companies had good crisis control departments geared to deal with the exceptions.
Published two editions of our top-rated and Amazon best-selling book, “Digital Minds.”
Won 85 Web Marketing Association Awards for industry-leading website projects.
Managed more than 150 million in ad spending over the last 5 years.
Recognized as an Outstanding Developer by the WMAs consecutively for the last 5 years.
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Francois: +27 82 809 5655
Marianna: +27 82 809 6103
Marelise: +27 82 855 4572
Andrew: +27 82 920 8897
4 Morris Avenue,
George, Western Cape