Book your In-house Social Selling program today!


Sales Executives, Step Up Your Game.

As a sales executive, you need to stop relying on cold calling to help generate leads. There is an old formula in which some sales VP’s are still stuck in: dials plus talk time = sales. Nothing could be more wrong. People don’t have time to listen to your sales pitch on the phone and sending an e-mail won’t work either. So how do you increase your sales, earn more commission and make this whole process more efficient? With digital marketing and social selling.

Gatekeepers  Getting in the Way?

Often as a sales executive, you and your team will struggle to get through to the clients with whom you actually have to speak due to the fact that there’s a gatekeeper who’s side-stepping your advances. This not only leads to wasted time trying to set up a meeting, but it creates more tension with your boss because it could mean that you and your team aren’t meeting your sales targets. You need to understand that social media is the best way in this day and age to reach people and first and foremost your company needs to understand social media.

This is where WSI OMS comes in. We will come to your business and assist you in reaching your sales goals through social selling and digital marketing. We will assist you on creating profiles for your company on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Pintrist, Google Plus and LinkedIn. Learn how to let these social platforms work for you so that you’ve got a steady stream of leads (from people who want to do business with you).

But Why Does Social Media Matter?

You may wonder why social media is of such great importance, so just to put the presence of social media into perspective, in the morning, before getting out of bed, 35% of people in the United States have already loaded a social app. This means that by utilising social selling as your form of marketing, you and your sales team will reach millions of potential clients before 6 am.

Train Your Sales Team Now

As the sales executive, unfortunately the pressure is on you to get your entire team to perform. Some may do better than others. Some may go above and beyond their targets while others don’t even come close. So it is up to you to keep them continuously trained and WSI OMS can once again help you in doing so. We suggest sending you and your team on one of our training courses to better your understanding of digital marketing.

This will help you to operate all the social media platforms successfully and you can just imagine how this will benefit you when your boss sees how many leads your team generated this month. Furthermore to educate the entire company, WSI OMS offers digital marketing seminars which we adapt and design to specifically meet your company’s needs. Imagine you and you team create a sales video, instead of paying for it to be aired on television, you create a YouTube channel for your business, post the video and it goes viral. You have just caused thousands, maybe even millions of people to get excited and talking about what your company brings to the table and you have done all this for a fraction of a TV ad cost. Let WSI OMS show you how to create these social media profiles and that vision may be a reality in next to no time.

This Is Why You Should Partner With WSI OMS:

    Proven Track Record

    Proven track record of helping clients create online communities and sell more products online

    Professional In-house Team

    In-house team of trainers and digital marketing experts to help you every step of the way

    Interaction & Engagement are Key!

    We can monitor your social channels to make sure you’re responding to notifications and engaging with the right people

    Knowledge Transfer

    Knowledge-transfer so that you and your teams can drive your social media strategy forward

    Customised Social Media Platforms

    We ensure that you’ve got customised social media profiles that are consistently updated

    Speak with a WSI Expert today!

    Leave your contact details, and we’ll have one of our WSI Digital Marketing Experts follow-up and arrange a time that works best for you to have a quick discussion.

    We look forward to chatting!

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